Friday, December 30, 2011


I will be spending the last day of my 2011 working.
Just blog hopped for a while and i realise that all of them have a 2011 that is full of ups and downs.
Mine? i am not really sure how to say it but i think my 2011 is kind of boring.

My 2011 :

- well first of all, i am finally 18
-i think i know humans better. i really think i do
-Not to trust ppl so easily because i just realised ytd tt i was fooled for 1 whole damn year about smth
-Found myself a new part-time job apart from tt hotel, realise that after all working in that hotel is still better
-3rd yr working for that hotel for their Christmas event. Feeling: Emotional much.
-Cried while working
-Learnt abit of Japanese and quite abit of Cantonese this year
-Questioning myself if i have chosen the right course
-Questioning myself on my intelligence level
-Questioning about my future
-Realise that dramatic story do happen in real life
-Realise that acquaintance is some time the one whom u can talk ur heart out to. Because they will forget about u and what u say the next day.
-Realise that r/s cant be forced, it's rly a two way kind of thing
-Realise that i curse and swear a lot nowadays. Surprisingly ,never in front of my school mate
-Hooked on online shopping. Just spend 50 bucks on G market, arghh. Lol
-Won money from Gmarket
-Hate clubbers. ok i shant sterotype , i just hate that particular person-xxxxx who club

I just realise that my whole 2011 is an emotional one. Like not much physical activities. lol.

2012 Resolution

-I am going to study hard and stop procrastinating. HOPEFULLY.
-Figure out what i rly want in the future
-Braces. Drag for 3 years alrdy bcuz i chicken out evry time .____.
-Learnt something new
-If possible, buy myself a piano
-Go out with bff from pri and sec sch more often
-Bf? hahas who knows? i have a lot of guy friend but hmmm. well as i always say, i am waiting for takeshi kaneshiro LOL

Monday, December 26, 2011

Monday, December 12, 2011

Richard Marx

He's coming to Spore tmr for his own personal concert at Spore Indoor Stadium! Yes the one who sang Right here waiting for you!
Arghh anyone want to watch tgt? i dont mind impromptu kind of invite because i really want to hear him live! But sigh , it's tmr! :(

Sunday, December 11, 2011

i need TIME

Exam’s finally over! (Ok it was actually just Mid-Semester Test
not exam)
Five consecutive day of exam was like hell, literally. There
were days where I just had like 2 hour of sleep just to study that particular
subject. No, not because I was too hardworking or anything. It was just I didn’t
start earlier, hmm or was I procrastinating?

Whatever it is, hell’s over but heaven's yet to be seen.
After those 3 weeks of break will be project after project, test after test
following by the real Exam. Polytechnic life really isn’t slack at all,
actually it is not that bad to be exact just that everything is going too fast.
Before u
realizes it, it just happens. And what sucks the most is that, every single
test, project and presentation counts in the GPA. Sigh, you just have to give
your very best. But apparently I don’t think I am giving my best la, as I said,
time is a major pull-down-my-grades factor and yeah, procrastination too.

Three weeks of break started but I am going to work. I really
shouldn’t have agreed to work. But this will be my third year working for them
and most probably the last so well, might as well treat it as a farewell too. So many school works to do during the
holidays too. Time, I need time.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Life Isnt't Always Easy

It is especially during the difficult times that you must live your life to its fullest potential.Those are the times to triumph over citcumstamces with hope and courage.

Semesteral exam's coming once again, suffocating now but will still strive on! Whoever reading this, good luck in whatever u do too! Let's maintain the faith that we once have!


Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Have not watch the movie yet , but is replaying this song for countless times. Like the lyrics and music , meaningful and kind of relatable.

Remind me a lot of the past after hearing this song. Having the " i feel like i am very old" feeling now. lol

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Singapore Hit Awards 2011

Went to Singapore Hit Awards 2011 ytd! the "live" feel was real good!
It's funny how they have to talk crap just to prolong the recording! then some camera man will hide behing the camera and show the "prolong prolong" action. One of the DJ say a bundle of funny hokkien stuff. And he said , " nvm la , this part wont be played also!" The ambience was real good la! show ended at ard 12.30am but leave at ard 11.15pm because we were worried about the heavy jam after the show.

Check out this great MSN video: Singapore Hit Awards 2011: Yen-J Performance 新加坡金曲奖 2011: 严爵
Check this out! my fav chinese singer now! Yen-J! He look so cute and those dumb dumb kind, hahahas. was so happy that i can see him diagonally(but very small la) for the whole show!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Why do i feel that

human beings are so fake?

i need to confess that at times , i am not real to people ard me too. Why is that so? i really dont know. Guess i really need to figure out one day , who's really real to me. i want to know about my future . i want to know what i will become when i grow older. i want to know who will be my backstabber(s) in the future. i want to know who will be my best friend forever. i want to know who is my husband-to-be next time. i want to know who is really real to me. i want to know when i die. i want to have things planned out. i kind of feel tired alrdy.

Dont bother reading my blog alrdy ppl , i just want this place to be part of my memories so that i can laugh at myself a few years later after seeing this space. have i say it before , i really regret deleting my happyinthecastle blog post. all the 4 years. sighh.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

i won!

50 bucks from Gmarket! just because of a review i wrote! wooo! how cool is that! try finding my review in Gmarket if u want! hahas
Actually i wrote a review because there is this lucky draw that could win $1500. Gmarket will just randomly choose a series number from all those review and that person will win 1.5k!
Was so sad when i didnt win that but after 15 minute i received an email that notify me i won $50 due to what i wrote in my review! Better than nothing right!
Gmarket rocks! hehe

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Korea part 1!

the nian gao! famous dish in Korea i guess? but it is spicy! so..i soaked it in plain water before eating. lol damn fail i know :(

major love the 2nd hotel we stayed in! the lobby is so spacious and nice and so is the room!

they kill the live sea animals immediately for sashimi. wanted to try initially because it is so much cheaper for a sashimi as compare to Spore but my mum dare not try so in the end we went to the 7 eleven outside to shop while some of the rest of the tour member tried. never regret not trying because to think of it , i think like quite cruel leh kill them immediately and eat them raw. BUT , i will still eat salmon sashimi :D
this is sooo nice!

what a typical Korean will eat!
major love this scenic photo , took it damn randomly on the tour bus and it came out so nice! :D

used camera : Xperia 10. lol
More to go!

Saturday, October 8, 2011


Saw this video in Korea and i like it! hahas cuz at least i know more than recognizes half of them inside! *proud*

I like the jyj (Kim Jae Joong to be precise) , Song seung Heon and Jang Geun Seok part!cause the 3 most handsome and i see them the most before! Hahas
And no i am not that smart to know their name , youtube listed it for me

Here is the order by youtube :
Chap 1 : Start of the adventure
Chap 2 : Hyunbin's in Wonderland (Hyunbin)
Chap 3 : The magic shop (JYJ)
Chap 4 : Aladin and the Wonderful lamp (Big Bang)
Chap 5 : The Snow Queen (Choi Ji Woo & Song Seung Heon)
Chap 6 : Pirates of the Lotte Duty Free (2PM)
Chap 7 : The Little Prince (Kim Hyun Joong)
Chap 8 : The Time Travelers (Jang Geun Seok)
Chap 9 : Adventures in Lotte Duty Free
Chap 10 : Lotte Duty Free Story
Chap 11 : All the parties

Ps: Will update about Korea in my next post!
And and , i really think some Koreans can fight with those Ah tiongs! ( btw i only recently realise what is Ah tiongs leh! like weird only but i have to use it here)

Anyway i think i cannot say it all here but a short one should be okay , so what did they do to me :

1)three person step on my feet happily without saying sorry or turning back! and they do know they are stepping on me!! angry a not u tell me! my red shoes turn into patches of red plus black !

2)some ah-ju-ma aka aunties like to snatch toilet even when people are queueing!we basically have to run to the toilet before those aunties even if we came first!

3)Wash hand they also want to snatch with you one , hand dryer also. wash half way they will push u aside and do their things happily like we are invisible.

4)they like to push and knock into u when they are walking , like literally hard kind.

5... okay la no more. the above is just my own experience in Korea,so no offence to anyone at all please. peace please! next post will be how i enjoyed Korea! Literally!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

城市猎人 City Hunter

Teared thrice in this korean drama , one of the more unpredictable drama as compare to the rest of the Korean and Taiwan drama!
But i dont like the ending leh , did Lee Min Ho died in the end? i thought he died but in the last scene he appeared again! huh right?
Anyway Lee Min Ho and Park Min Young ( the two main lead) , went into a r/s after acting in this drama! sweet!
Off to Korea tmr! Anticipating much! Will be back next friday!
Who want me to buy present for him/her? hahas

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Very random i know but that is because i cant sleep :(
The weather is kind of bitchy and scary now : rain plus wind plus howling effect thanks to the wind. How to sleep u tell me? I should have just went to bed 2 hour ago as tt means i wld/shld be sleeping like a pig now.

Currently watching : 城市猎人 (no la , i am not watching my face(lol), tt pic is just a very random photo i found in my notebook)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Quite a nice jap movie!
But i beg to differ on what the female lead state in the movie: Two opposite sex can become really close best friend without having any feeling for each other.
i strongly think that no matter what , sooner or later , one party will fall for the other!
Got this mindset base on my past observation and experience! lolz
What do you passer-by think?

Sunday, September 25, 2011

i love nature.

All photos taken by me when i am bored hahas. Gonna add more when i am free! oh and 1 more week to Korea! ^^

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

my 3rd job experience

Left is my boss , right is my friend's boss! they are all japanese! learnt a lot of weird jap from them! good example that i have learnt --> watashi kirei plus kawaii! hahas!
okay now...screw down..i drew the two of them , alike a not? guess who is who ok! the geraldine is the auntie who worked with me! very nice person!
forget to take picture with her using my phone , only Polaroid ! lazy to upload that hehe, just imagine her from the picture i drew laa.
As for those few nice friends i noe from work , go stalk my fb and u will see! lol
i am glad that all of my colleague this time round were much nicer than my previous job. But of course , there are still a few b"tches and b"stard here and there! #fact that every work place have this kind of ppl right! :)

sorry that you have to slant ur head to see my master piece! gave it to the 3 of them respectively hahas! one of them even put my masterpiece in his wallet leh! touch*

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Guess what?

Lol actually nothing much just want to tell u guys that i have been enjoying work! last 2 days of work left!! am very very sad n i noe i will miss all of my colleagues vry vry much!!
okay though i am really tired of working for 12 days straight already but to think that 2 days later everyday will come to an end make me feel terribly uncomfortable :(

will update more of my work on the next post tgt with photos! mata-ashi-tah! ( it means "seeya" in jap! )
Ps, i learnt a lot of jap words from my jap boss! cool rite!!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Currently watching

I really really dislike Elise in this show! Her attitude and that face of hers! Arghh

Anyway exam are finally over!! i lost like 2kg in that two weeks of stressful life! now we all know the method of slimming down! lol

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Friday, August 26, 2011

Patronizing update hee

Sorry for the lack of update! busy with exam and stuff! last paper will commence next wed! Really looking forward to it!!
--> a very random pic of me when i went to Royal Carribean earlier this year! haha see that round stomach beside me? tts my dad's tummy!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

We delight

in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.

Yes people! No pain, no gain! Bacause we reap what we sow, don't we?

Sunday, August 14, 2011


is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.

- George S.Patton

Friday, August 12, 2011

OneRepublic - Secret

Really nice song , dont listen and u will definitely regret. lol
Started noticing OneRepublic via this song - Stop And Stare . Another nice song from OneRepublic!

Monday, August 8, 2011

my schedule for the next few month

one more week and it will mark the end of my year 2 ,sem 1 schooling! After which will be one week of study break follow by exam!! 31 Aug will be the real holiday!
i am really looking foward to that , yes i am really trying to skip the studying and exam part,but i cant :(

After exam will be 1 whole month of holiday and on the 2nd of october i will be going to KOREA! :D

i wanted to post smth related to korea , but google gave me a lot of korea's flag instead. so yeah kinda looking foward to this trip as this trip is like a motivation to me now. yeah , i think i am under quite a lot of stress now.


Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Hello Kitty Touch Screen Phone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RM429!!!!
oh btw if u don't already know , i am quite into Hello Kitty!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Angry bird my sis gave me!! <3!
i got quite a lot of angry bird collection nowadays! lol will further elaborate next time!

me getting bored in the LRT!!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

this is so difficult,

"Learning to live in the present moment is part of joy." - Sarah Ban Breathnach

Even if you want to live in the present, some people will just appear again after dissapearing for months in your life. so tell me, how do i live in the present?? sometimes, reminicising your past is actually a good thing. Bleah, i created this word : Just Move On Because Life Goes On, and now i am contradicting myself. Damn, i dont know what am i talking k whtever bye, i am still very busy. 31 August will be the last day of my exam! after that will be like 2 mnth of holi!! happy or vry happy???

Friday, July 15, 2011


Had psychology class today! We were asked to practice for our upcoming CA10 which is about counseling our “client” aka friends’ base on their real-life problem and vice versa.
So two by two, we were asked to say and solve the problem in front of the class as a form of practice. First practice today and so my other friend was the “client” and I was the “counselor”.
I won’t say much about the problem part as it will be invading her privacy (haha) , but there comes a point where I was stuck and doesn’t know how to continue asking question already. tutor said smth like “ if you don’t know what to ask , just ask why ( as to the answer client gave) )”
So , I continue to ask my friend the qns “ why?”
And my friend say “ I don’t know why ”
And I asked “why you don’t know why??”
-Everyone laughed-

LOL , I don’t know if you guys understand what am I talking about but anyway I just find this part of the practice so hilarious.

Anyway, will be hell lot busy this few weeks and after which will be exam already! Like so fast exam again! Haven even got back all my results from the previous semester test!
My busy schedule for school till the real exam next month:
Formal interviewing ( as interviewer) -> critical reasoning skill essay ->formal interviewing again( as interviewee) -> performance management presentation-> compensation and benefit presentation-> business law project -> psychology CA10 -> non verbal skit presentation -> Critical reasoning skills presentation -> study week-> REAL EXAM!

Till I am free , cya and good luck!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

i think..

i am really starting to understand humans.

i am starting to differentiate between fake and truly sincere humans too.

i really learnt a lot nowadays.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Because I Love You Shakin Stevens

seriously, old sch song is the best

motivational smses

we have started a movement to inspire more people on daily basis through our Free daily inspirational SMS services. Many have benefitted and find this service inspirational and motivating.
Reply YES to subscribe for FREE.
Reply UN to unsubscribe.

i received this msg few days ago and i replied YES as it should cause no harm,i think.

hahas quite inspiring indeed! every morning they would sms me to wake me up .__. (when my school starts late lol)

anyway , it is really quite nice to read inspiring msg like everyday!

today msg : " yesterday does not equal to tomorrow. Forget the past and move towards your goals."- Tony Robbins

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

rock chocolate rocks

Had buffet again last weekend at some hotel near bugis. the unlimited topping provided there are really SHIOK! i only had one bite of my ice cream (left pic) because i dont really want to get diabeties so soon. but i am sooo in love with rock chocolate now! after i put it as the topping on the ice cream!

a short random post as i am really really busy with all the projects . like 4 in total, 2 more to come! arghhh year 2 life is really really very hectic with projectsss!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

"Everything that is happening at this moment is a result of the choices you've made in the past."

How true,let's live life with no regret.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Thomas Edison

"Many of life's failure are people who did not realise how close they were to success when they gave up."

i wrote this on some part of my room 2 years ago before my O level. wow it does not really help in motivating me much during that time (lol) but for now, i will try to belive in this sententce. well, try . Whoever reading this now , pls try not to give up in whatever you guys are doing too. today will be a much better day than yesterday. well hopefully haha . i am always trying to be motivational here but forever fail. lol

am currently looking through my psychology notes --> barriers from mindset.
very interesting to study but it is really a chore to memorise.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

i miss my history teacher ,

Mr Sng Thiam Eng !!
Arghh dont know why , since ytd night i suddenly think of my secondary school teachers plus the memories i had there. and i spent like 2 hour lying in the bed thinking! 3am in the morning and i am still wide awake on my bed( very very serious insomnia i know lol)
so i really really miss him a lot( as a teacher). i was trying very hard to remember if he taught me in sec 1 or 2 , or was it both? arghh ,i think sec 2 was him if not sec 3 i would not choose history over geog ( okay actually my first choice was literature but only like 5 student in the whole cohort choosed that , pathethic much? no lit class for my batch )
so secondary 3 was another female teacher who taught me history which was quite a good teacher too but yeah, was damn sad when i know my sec 3 history was not Mr Sng. lol
so during sec 4 , that female teacher went back to MOE to work ( i think?) and yeah my fav teacher came back to teach my class hehe.

his teaching method is what i like most : wont force ppl to ans q (Lol) , will say story to link to the history context , will write out interesting mindmap ( but handwritting quite atrocious haha) , let us go his house during O level time to ask qns! , can find him any time if got prob ( love his clear explanation!) , he got the ringtone that is same as my hp alarm sound last time ( damn scary evrytime i heard his hp rang lol) .
Most impt thing right , i still rmb when he first teach my class ( i still forget if it is sec 1 or 2 ) , he said something like : " what you get for your PSLE results doesnt count , sec and pri really have a huge different so it doesnt really matter if you score well for PSLE". that sentence really etch deeply in my mind ( dont know why lol ) and after that i know that he is really a great teacher and he truly is.
wow this is my first time writting a blog enteries without cracking my brain to think what to write/ how to continue!

to rj( if u're still reading my blog ) , i thot you say u want to visit him? let's go tgt soon! i rmb wx said that she wan to visit mr sng too! maybe after u guys A level?
same goes to any other ex history classmate who are reading! :) (if there's anyone reading la lol)

Friday, June 17, 2011

strive on because,

"You will never know which one is the right path,if you never had the wrong ones"

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

a guilty day

Met project mates then colleague for a while to take something and then the two girls on the left today! tday is really a tired + guilty day [ did nothing impt at all tday and still spent quite a lot of $$$ :( ]
must say good things about them here cause i realise they stalk my blog often. heehee kidding kidding. but i really do enjoy meeting up with them!!
to xy and jw : facebook got some error and i cant seem to post the pictures we took tday, post it some other day okay! maybe tgt with our nxt outing! i know , half year later right! i am looking foward to it alrdy! \^.^/

haha,isolated much? just me alone in the photo!

piano fantasy

someone asked me the other day " what is ur wishlist for now?
i answered immediately without hesitation(to my suprise) " i want to learn piano"

sigh, i tink my wish list for now will sooner or later turn into my regret list
i know, u guys must be thinking just go and learn if i want rite? but my family think i am too old an age to learn playing the piano already. sigh, actually i agree too . Imagine me going to learn how to play " twinkle^2 little star" via the piano at this age. #majorfail
self learning is not an option either because piano is not as cheap as compare to a guitar. sighh i rmb someone once told me that i got long finger which can play the piano i really forget who that person is but i really want to thank tt person although i tink that this might just become part of my regret one day. well , hopefully not.

i cant sleep now and when i cant sleep i reflect on a lot of useless and weird stuff. yea like what i am doing now. bye. tmr will really be a hectic day, meeting 3 diff grps of fren at diff part of orchard. gonna try to look foward to it. bye once more.

Saturday, June 11, 2011


quite a nice mandarin song!
veron! if u are reading--> this is his new song! hahas

Friday, June 10, 2011

takeshi kaneshiro

If only i am able to meet him once, just once in my entire life , i will die with no regret!
I always like to walk past the Mandarin Gallery as there is Emporio Armani boutique there - got a mega big poster of him outside that shop.

[Edited version: The big poster was taken down! But right across that street it's his poster again! Advertising for some watch brand i think. That shop is still under renovation though. ] Really hope he will be more active and interactive with his fan! Dont you all want that too? *Hands up!*

More about him here :

Friday, June 3, 2011


nope i am no longer keen to have Apple products anymore , very satisfied with my android now!
nice picture eh? from!
holiday officially start today for 3 weeks! project and exam here i come! :(

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Do you...

let your heart rule your brain or do you let your brain rule your heart?
Till now i do not know how to answer this question as my heart and my brain seems to fight a lot to rule over each other nowadays. (yes obviously both of them are connected and both of them are equally important but i am not trying to discuss science here. lol )
How about u guys? do u know if it is your heart or brain that rule you over?

Friday, May 27, 2011


Yes apparently i wasnt allow to donate my blood as i was below 18 , parents consent needed.
But as me and my friend went on the first day , i forged my dad's signature thinking that everything will go right.
so that person who check my particular form asked me who i get the one who sign that form and i said it was my dad.
i told her that i went back home and ask my dad to sign lol
so so so , guess what? the people at that blood donation centre go and call my dad!
my dad dumb dumb go say he never sign anything that day but told that person- in-charge that he know that i was going to donate blood.
haiiizzz my honest dad...
so in the end never get to donate blood! dont know if i should be happy or sad!
luckily that person in charge never scold me hahas, i mean duh, i forge parents signature to do something good leh u dare to scold me??? kekekex

Monday, May 23, 2011


yeap might be going to donate blood on wend!
but the problem i am ranting here is because my mum and sis are trying to scare me as they dont think i have the guts to do it lol
so to proof to them that it is not painful , i went to research about blood donation( LOL i know dont laugh)

then guess what??? i saw one person commented on his/her blood donation experience and i nearly fainted already!
he / she wrote "for me however... haha is another story the nurse i had took four tries to get my blood out and everytime she put that needle in she would move it around inside trying to get my blood... and yes i fainted on the last try. but in the end she got that blood :-) hehe "
walao!!! seriously????

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Can someone help me pls????

okay i am super duper vexed!
i remembered i once watched a show when i was in sec 3 or 4, in okto .
That show is in black and white and it was about how a man performing magic, and to be the most famous magician he created a machine with some other partner of his . and yes after that machine he became very very famous even more famous then his competitors .
But guess what? this magic will kill his life everytime he perform his performance, so basically that particular magical machine he created will replica him and tada there will be two him every time he uses this machine. but in order to make his performance go well and to make evryone go 'wow' , he had to use that machine . so every time after performing he will commit sucide by jumping into a pool of water right after that machine replicated another him.
oh ya , the magic show he performed was about how he uses that machine and in a split second he will appear in another side of the room ( because the machine will make another him appear)
okay i dont know if u guys understand but i am dying to know what movie is that call? please please tell me or help me to find if u know! if i didnt rmb wrongly the actor was performed by Adrien Brody or some one who look like him? AHHHHHH PLS HELP ME , I AM DYING TO KNOWWWWWWW :(

Friday, May 20, 2011

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Had CRS (critical reasoning skill) CA today! that was why i am so nervous just now!
okay basically it is something like english O level oral, scary much??
Anyway it is finally over! and the truth is that it is not that scary lol
i believe i have tried my best so yeap , feel kinda relieved once i finished my 'oral'!
2 more weeks to holiday! cant wait! But that means 5 more weeks to mid semester test!
so should i be happy or sad? okay whatever it is ,life still goes on! buai!

Saturday, May 14, 2011


look at that thing beside me! yes that was what the housekeeping ppl did to our room! (while we were in Royal carribbean)
the spectacle was not put by us but by them also! how cool is that right? my sis happen to place her spec on her bed before we went to have our lunch and when me and my family came back to our cabin there was a dog-shaped-thing-with-my-sis-spectacle on my bed! well,privacy is abviously gone as we knew that they enter our room whenever they want to but but i really appreciate how they use the towel to fold into a dog , an elephant and a scorpio! day 1 , 2 and 3 gt diff animals appear in our room lol lol
anyway , yeap kinda busy tis few days and will still be busy the next few days with poly stuff and some other external stuff.
with that i am ending my post here.
oh wait , before i end tell u guys something , i caused sparks today in my classroom. how cool is that right? i literally pulled out a wire(ACCIDENTALLY) that is connected to a pluck. and therefore there is a fire spark and tadaa the whole class when black. black friday in action ? guilty look*

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Royal Caribbean - Romeo and Juliet restaurant

i want to upload everything!! but after i uploaded finish the food part , uploading failed again.zzz
okay but anyway this is the food part , high class dining as seen from the cutlery.
abit piss already dont think i want to upload the rest haha, see my mood the next time! had a busy busy weekend .

GE 2011

i wanted to upload photos of Royal carribbean now while watching the election results! but i cant! :(

pic cant be uploaded , hmmm maybe my laptop very anxious with the results also lol

my personal view for the election? hmmm .. i think PAP shouldnt be happy about their victory. cause all the percentage is like so close with the opposition party. ppl in facebook are saying that pricing of housing and stuff is gonna rise well, hopefully not!

okay next post i will try to post the pictures(it has been a week already sry lol but this time seriously not i dont want to post), anyway today is mother's day! but for now no one seems to be interested about mother's day already..HAHAS GE 2011 > MOTHER'S DAY? HOW CAN!

Thursday, May 5, 2011


kinda busy after coming back from the cruise as there were like tons of tutorials for me to finish. yea me and my sis bring our homework to the ship but in the end..we didnt even touch it . LOL my sis worst la bring her whole laptop but also never done anything.
anyway , i will posting up pic of my 3d 2n of my Royal Caribbean trip either tmr or the day after. stay tune! nope not posting up on fb heehee

Friday, April 29, 2011

two weeks of sch

Before going oversea tmr ( royal carribean) , i decide to blog about smth else first.
well sch has started with the same classmate but different tutor. first week was basically quite a breeze as it was mainly self introduction for tutorials . speaking of self introduction , i said the same thing for 3 consecutive tutorials not as in my name but something unique/special ( as required by the tutor) . so guess what did i say? i say about my 'unique hand'. yes friends close to me will know about this. i got an unique arm it can be bend until ppl who see it for the first time will either scream or frown in disgust/disbelieve. LOL , show u guys the pic next post! ( yeap of my arm) so i guess some of my classmate were really shock and give me that surprised/puzzled/shocked/disgusted look.
so anyway , today was the last self intro i have to do in this whole sem. the module was pyschology and the tutor was kind of fun but somehow intimitading. he asked me if i had a sibling a not halfway thro the lesson and i said : yes a sister
he said : elder sis? so is she like you?
i said : like me? as in what?
he said: does she look like you?
i said:oh uhh ya she somewhat look like me
he said: so is her style like yours?
i said : why leh? my style very bad ar?
LOLOL. i think the whole convo was kinda funny. and the tutor said he asked that to get me agitated. cause i think he saw me getting bored, giving short reply and using my hp that's why. that's what i think la , i think he is kind of a good psycholgy tutor. well , hopefully :)


will be back 3 day later! will update more about Royal Carribean when i come back! ^^

Thursday, April 28, 2011


UP : $50
any takers? interested pls email :
if interested,feel free to ask about more images on the jacket :)
meet up or delivery is available!

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Went kbox today with my family! out for all the 3 day of holiday ,veryyy busy.
But fun! :)
tutorial how? oppps. lol

Friday, April 22, 2011

Dear hitler ,

how i wish u really said u just want a glass of juice. if so , i will not need to memorise so much extra thing during my O level already .
haizzz. lol

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


went out with miaoyee today like finallyyy!! and she is damn lucky to won $2!!! had a great day with her, although the waiting part for her hair cut is boring hees, anyway hope to go out again yea! :)
some picture below with nice fren and nice food!