Friday, April 29, 2011

two weeks of sch

Before going oversea tmr ( royal carribean) , i decide to blog about smth else first.
well sch has started with the same classmate but different tutor. first week was basically quite a breeze as it was mainly self introduction for tutorials . speaking of self introduction , i said the same thing for 3 consecutive tutorials not as in my name but something unique/special ( as required by the tutor) . so guess what did i say? i say about my 'unique hand'. yes friends close to me will know about this. i got an unique arm it can be bend until ppl who see it for the first time will either scream or frown in disgust/disbelieve. LOL , show u guys the pic next post! ( yeap of my arm) so i guess some of my classmate were really shock and give me that surprised/puzzled/shocked/disgusted look.
so anyway , today was the last self intro i have to do in this whole sem. the module was pyschology and the tutor was kind of fun but somehow intimitading. he asked me if i had a sibling a not halfway thro the lesson and i said : yes a sister
he said : elder sis? so is she like you?
i said : like me? as in what?
he said: does she look like you?
i said:oh uhh ya she somewhat look like me
he said: so is her style like yours?
i said : why leh? my style very bad ar?
LOLOL. i think the whole convo was kinda funny. and the tutor said he asked that to get me agitated. cause i think he saw me getting bored, giving short reply and using my hp that's why. that's what i think la , i think he is kind of a good psycholgy tutor. well , hopefully :)

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