Sunday, December 11, 2011

i need TIME

Exam’s finally over! (Ok it was actually just Mid-Semester Test
not exam)
Five consecutive day of exam was like hell, literally. There
were days where I just had like 2 hour of sleep just to study that particular
subject. No, not because I was too hardworking or anything. It was just I didn’t
start earlier, hmm or was I procrastinating?

Whatever it is, hell’s over but heaven's yet to be seen.
After those 3 weeks of break will be project after project, test after test
following by the real Exam. Polytechnic life really isn’t slack at all,
actually it is not that bad to be exact just that everything is going too fast.
Before u
realizes it, it just happens. And what sucks the most is that, every single
test, project and presentation counts in the GPA. Sigh, you just have to give
your very best. But apparently I don’t think I am giving my best la, as I said,
time is a major pull-down-my-grades factor and yeah, procrastination too.

Three weeks of break started but I am going to work. I really
shouldn’t have agreed to work. But this will be my third year working for them
and most probably the last so well, might as well treat it as a farewell too. So many school works to do during the
holidays too. Time, I need time.

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