Friday, July 15, 2011


Had psychology class today! We were asked to practice for our upcoming CA10 which is about counseling our “client” aka friends’ base on their real-life problem and vice versa.
So two by two, we were asked to say and solve the problem in front of the class as a form of practice. First practice today and so my other friend was the “client” and I was the “counselor”.
I won’t say much about the problem part as it will be invading her privacy (haha) , but there comes a point where I was stuck and doesn’t know how to continue asking question already. tutor said smth like “ if you don’t know what to ask , just ask why ( as to the answer client gave) )”
So , I continue to ask my friend the qns “ why?”
And my friend say “ I don’t know why ”
And I asked “why you don’t know why??”
-Everyone laughed-

LOL , I don’t know if you guys understand what am I talking about but anyway I just find this part of the practice so hilarious.

Anyway, will be hell lot busy this few weeks and after which will be exam already! Like so fast exam again! Haven even got back all my results from the previous semester test!
My busy schedule for school till the real exam next month:
Formal interviewing ( as interviewer) -> critical reasoning skill essay ->formal interviewing again( as interviewee) -> performance management presentation-> compensation and benefit presentation-> business law project -> psychology CA10 -> non verbal skit presentation -> Critical reasoning skills presentation -> study week-> REAL EXAM!

Till I am free , cya and good luck!

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