Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Very random i know but that is because i cant sleep :(
The weather is kind of bitchy and scary now : rain plus wind plus howling effect thanks to the wind. How to sleep u tell me? I should have just went to bed 2 hour ago as tt means i wld/shld be sleeping like a pig now.

Currently watching : 城市猎人 (no la , i am not watching my face(lol), tt pic is just a very random photo i found in my notebook)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Quite a nice jap movie!
But i beg to differ on what the female lead state in the movie: Two opposite sex can become really close best friend without having any feeling for each other.
i strongly think that no matter what , sooner or later , one party will fall for the other!
Got this mindset base on my past observation and experience! lolz
What do you passer-by think?

Sunday, September 25, 2011

i love nature.

All photos taken by me when i am bored hahas. Gonna add more when i am free! oh and 1 more week to Korea! ^^

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

my 3rd job experience

Left is my boss , right is my friend's boss! they are all japanese! learnt a lot of weird jap from them! good example that i have learnt --> watashi kirei plus kawaii! hahas!
okay now...screw down..i drew the two of them , alike a not? guess who is who ok! the geraldine is the auntie who worked with me! very nice person!
forget to take picture with her using my phone , only Polaroid ! lazy to upload that hehe, just imagine her from the picture i drew laa.
As for those few nice friends i noe from work , go stalk my fb and u will see! lol
i am glad that all of my colleague this time round were much nicer than my previous job. But of course , there are still a few b"tches and b"stard here and there! #fact that every work place have this kind of ppl right! :)

sorry that you have to slant ur head to see my master piece! gave it to the 3 of them respectively hahas! one of them even put my masterpiece in his wallet leh! touch*

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Guess what?

Lol actually nothing much just want to tell u guys that i have been enjoying work! last 2 days of work left!! am very very sad n i noe i will miss all of my colleagues vry vry much!!
okay though i am really tired of working for 12 days straight already but to think that 2 days later everyday will come to an end make me feel terribly uncomfortable :(

will update more of my work on the next post tgt with photos! mata-ashi-tah! ( it means "seeya" in jap! )
Ps, i learnt a lot of jap words from my jap boss! cool rite!!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Currently watching

I really really dislike Elise in this show! Her attitude and that face of hers! Arghh

Anyway exam are finally over!! i lost like 2kg in that two weeks of stressful life! now we all know the method of slimming down! lol

Thursday, September 1, 2011