Sunday, May 29, 2011

Do you...

let your heart rule your brain or do you let your brain rule your heart?
Till now i do not know how to answer this question as my heart and my brain seems to fight a lot to rule over each other nowadays. (yes obviously both of them are connected and both of them are equally important but i am not trying to discuss science here. lol )
How about u guys? do u know if it is your heart or brain that rule you over?

Friday, May 27, 2011


Yes apparently i wasnt allow to donate my blood as i was below 18 , parents consent needed.
But as me and my friend went on the first day , i forged my dad's signature thinking that everything will go right.
so that person who check my particular form asked me who i get the one who sign that form and i said it was my dad.
i told her that i went back home and ask my dad to sign lol
so so so , guess what? the people at that blood donation centre go and call my dad!
my dad dumb dumb go say he never sign anything that day but told that person- in-charge that he know that i was going to donate blood.
haiiizzz my honest dad...
so in the end never get to donate blood! dont know if i should be happy or sad!
luckily that person in charge never scold me hahas, i mean duh, i forge parents signature to do something good leh u dare to scold me??? kekekex

Monday, May 23, 2011


yeap might be going to donate blood on wend!
but the problem i am ranting here is because my mum and sis are trying to scare me as they dont think i have the guts to do it lol
so to proof to them that it is not painful , i went to research about blood donation( LOL i know dont laugh)

then guess what??? i saw one person commented on his/her blood donation experience and i nearly fainted already!
he / she wrote "for me however... haha is another story the nurse i had took four tries to get my blood out and everytime she put that needle in she would move it around inside trying to get my blood... and yes i fainted on the last try. but in the end she got that blood :-) hehe "
walao!!! seriously????

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Can someone help me pls????

okay i am super duper vexed!
i remembered i once watched a show when i was in sec 3 or 4, in okto .
That show is in black and white and it was about how a man performing magic, and to be the most famous magician he created a machine with some other partner of his . and yes after that machine he became very very famous even more famous then his competitors .
But guess what? this magic will kill his life everytime he perform his performance, so basically that particular magical machine he created will replica him and tada there will be two him every time he uses this machine. but in order to make his performance go well and to make evryone go 'wow' , he had to use that machine . so every time after performing he will commit sucide by jumping into a pool of water right after that machine replicated another him.
oh ya , the magic show he performed was about how he uses that machine and in a split second he will appear in another side of the room ( because the machine will make another him appear)
okay i dont know if u guys understand but i am dying to know what movie is that call? please please tell me or help me to find if u know! if i didnt rmb wrongly the actor was performed by Adrien Brody or some one who look like him? AHHHHHH PLS HELP ME , I AM DYING TO KNOWWWWWWW :(

Friday, May 20, 2011

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Had CRS (critical reasoning skill) CA today! that was why i am so nervous just now!
okay basically it is something like english O level oral, scary much??
Anyway it is finally over! and the truth is that it is not that scary lol
i believe i have tried my best so yeap , feel kinda relieved once i finished my 'oral'!
2 more weeks to holiday! cant wait! But that means 5 more weeks to mid semester test!
so should i be happy or sad? okay whatever it is ,life still goes on! buai!

Saturday, May 14, 2011


look at that thing beside me! yes that was what the housekeeping ppl did to our room! (while we were in Royal carribbean)
the spectacle was not put by us but by them also! how cool is that right? my sis happen to place her spec on her bed before we went to have our lunch and when me and my family came back to our cabin there was a dog-shaped-thing-with-my-sis-spectacle on my bed! well,privacy is abviously gone as we knew that they enter our room whenever they want to but but i really appreciate how they use the towel to fold into a dog , an elephant and a scorpio! day 1 , 2 and 3 gt diff animals appear in our room lol lol
anyway , yeap kinda busy tis few days and will still be busy the next few days with poly stuff and some other external stuff.
with that i am ending my post here.
oh wait , before i end tell u guys something , i caused sparks today in my classroom. how cool is that right? i literally pulled out a wire(ACCIDENTALLY) that is connected to a pluck. and therefore there is a fire spark and tadaa the whole class when black. black friday in action ? guilty look*

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Royal Caribbean - Romeo and Juliet restaurant

i want to upload everything!! but after i uploaded finish the food part , uploading failed again.zzz
okay but anyway this is the food part , high class dining as seen from the cutlery.
abit piss already dont think i want to upload the rest haha, see my mood the next time! had a busy busy weekend .

GE 2011

i wanted to upload photos of Royal carribbean now while watching the election results! but i cant! :(

pic cant be uploaded , hmmm maybe my laptop very anxious with the results also lol

my personal view for the election? hmmm .. i think PAP shouldnt be happy about their victory. cause all the percentage is like so close with the opposition party. ppl in facebook are saying that pricing of housing and stuff is gonna rise well, hopefully not!

okay next post i will try to post the pictures(it has been a week already sry lol but this time seriously not i dont want to post), anyway today is mother's day! but for now no one seems to be interested about mother's day already..HAHAS GE 2011 > MOTHER'S DAY? HOW CAN!

Thursday, May 5, 2011


kinda busy after coming back from the cruise as there were like tons of tutorials for me to finish. yea me and my sis bring our homework to the ship but in the end..we didnt even touch it . LOL my sis worst la bring her whole laptop but also never done anything.
anyway , i will posting up pic of my 3d 2n of my Royal Caribbean trip either tmr or the day after. stay tune! nope not posting up on fb heehee